Poole Park in Early Spring

Poole Park in Early Spring

19 February, 2023

Mid February. A sunny Sunday afternoon.
The first warm day of the year.
The people of Poole head to the Park,
Eager to take the air.

The playgrounds are full of young children
Joyfully running about,
Jumping, swinging, balancing, climbing,
With laughter and happy shouts.

Couples and families, young and old,
Promenade round the lagoon
Walking, jogging, scootering, cycling,
Enjoying the afternoon.

A queue for the ice creams, a queue for the train
All cheerfully waiting their turn,
Some sit on benches, with chips, coffee or tea,
Soaking up the early spring sun.

After winter months of cold and grey
All of us agree:
When the first day of Spring arrives,
Poole Park is the place to be!

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