
I am exploring my creative side by writing poetry. New poems will be published on this page as I write them. I don’t know how good any of them are, so I’d appreciate your comments!

Thanks, Peter.

My first poetry book ‘Poems from Poole‘ was published in July 2023, available from Amazon in paperback or Kindle format.

Young Coal Tits

In the silver birch, Restless flittering, constant chirruping: Young coal tits’ lunchtime!
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Swifts at Sunset

Swooping, circling, turning, tumbling, Soaring silhouettes in dusky gold sky – Swifts at sunset.
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It sows itself, unaided, It grows by itself, unaided, And every spring its flowers come In a…
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Spring Peacock

On the last day of March, The first warm day of Spring, She awakens.
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Older Poems