Salterns Road, Poole, 4th May, 2024

It sows itself, unaided,
It grows by itself, unaided,
And every spring its flowers come
In a burst of brilliant blue.
From a distance, it’s a sea of blue
Rippling gently in the breeze,
Mirroring the blue sky above
On a warm, sunny afternoon.
I sit in peace and contemplate
Busy bees hard at work;
They fly from flower to flower to flower
Sipping the tiny drops of nectar.
They’re joined by a holly blue:
It wants to taste the nectar too,
Its blue wings match the flowers blue.
I crouch for a closer view:
Five little flowers on each thin stalk,
Five blue petals to each little flower,
Surrounding a ten-point golden star
Like the blazing sun in a clear blue sky.
The display will last about a month
Before the flowers gently fade,
The bees and butterflies move on,
The forget-me-not sets its seed
Then I will uproot the plants
To make way for our vegetable bed
But I know that plenty of seed will fall
Into the soil to grow once more.
It sows itself, unaided,
It grows by itself, unaided,
And every spring its flowers come
In a burst of brilliant blue.